Thursday, September 17, 2020

10 Reasons You Need A House Cleaning Service Part 2

10 reasons you need a house cleaning service part 2

Feel like Lady/Man of the manor

Even if only for a day. Picture this, you walk into the house and smell the crisp citrus scent of cleaning supplies. The dishwasher is empty, as is the washing machine and the bathroom tiles sparkle so much you could almost eat off of it and the best part is that you didn’t have to lift a finger. 

Cleaning services Mississauga have a way of making you feel how the upper 1 % feel and you deserve that luxury.

house cleaning mississauga
Personal hygiene

Hygiene matters

Environmental hygiene should be as important to you as it is to us. Cleaning services always disinfect as they go along so you can be sure your house is germ-free all through

New love for your space

It’s hard to appreciate your home when all you see is the mess that was made or that which will soon be made when everyone gets home. What a cleaning service does is open up your eyes to the beauty of your space. Besides who doesn’t fall in love with a clean, fresh house.

clean kitchen

Massive space

Oftentimes, we limit cleaning to the indoor aspect of our homes but really it is an all-round affair. There are some cleaning services that come with indoor and outdoor detailing.

This is ideal for homeowners with numerous rooms and a big yard. Cleaning already is a task on its own, now imagine cleaning a large space.

Cleaning is not your thing

Let’s be realistic, cleaning is not for everyone. There’s no need sugar coating it, point-blank you’d rather watch paint dry than clean your space. It’s alright. There’s no judgment here. If you check that box, you might as well hire a cleaning service.

Call eh! maids for a house cleaning service today (647) 689-6110

House Cleaning Services can be affordable and the best part is your house is spotless. It is a win-win situation. 

The post 10 Reasons You Need A House Cleaning Service Part 2 appeared first on Eh! Maids.


Wednesday, August 19, 2020

10 reasons you need a house cleaning service part 1

10 reasons you need a house cleaning service part 1

Cleaning might be one of the most annoying tasks adults simply cannot do without. For some, cleaning is sometimes the highlight of the day or at least a sure workout given that their gym wear may have been gathering dust for months now. But there are those moments, which practically translates to very often, where we would much rather watch C-SPAN for 6 hours at length rather than clean. 

In those moments, we reminisce about childhood moments doing compulsory chores on weekends. When you view cleaning as a chore, you can be sure that nothing about that activity is going to be considered fun. Thankfully, our dislike for chores but love for a clean environment can be hidden by cleaning services. 

What’s not to love? We get to sit back with our feet up sipping Mimosas while someone else cleans up. If relaxing while others clean your house isn’t soothing for you, we have 10 more compelling reasons why you might need a cleaning service.

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Fear not, it’s budget-friendly

Be honest; one of the first things that come to mind when someone mentions hiring a cleaning service is the fees. Contrary to popular belief, hiring a cleaning service will not leave you searching for pennies. 

In the days of their inception, cleaning services might have been ridiculously expensive as it was mainly used by aristocrats. But in these modern times, cleaning services realize that even the average Joe with small/large spaces need help. 

A number of cleaning services provide discounts for your home after a price quote has been given. You don’t have to break the bank to have professional cleaners.

eh maids mississauga

Who cleans better than professionals

We understand that you may have been taught numerous ways to clean your home since you were 5, but when you try to clean certain stains, no matter how hard you scrub a particular spot in your home, the stains don’t seem to budge. 

If anything, the stains seem to grow and laugh maniacally at your antics. Either way, one visit from a cleaning service will leave your place spotless. Everything will be left glistening like the first time you moved in.

Cleaning supplies are expensive

Have you realized that you need specific cleaning supplies for each room. Take the bathroom, for instance, there’s a scrub for the tiles, one for the sink, for the windows, etc.

As much as you want to keep your home clean, all these supplies rack up some pretty big bills. With a cleaning service, all you have to do is pay the quote given.

Most cleaning services come with their own supplies, from vacuums all the way to sponges.

cleaning services mississauga
mississauga cleaning lady

Chances are you’d miss a spot

No matter how thorough you perceive your cleaning skills to be, the probability of you missing a spot is very high. Cleaning services are professionally trained not to miss a spot when it comes to cleaning.

It is their job to cover every part of your house. No matter how hard you clean, you might miss the baseboard or the top of the fridge. Why not hire a cleaning service that you know will definitely get all the spots.

Busy as a bee

One of the reasons we fail at being thorough cleaners is that we have so much to do and so little time. 

When it comes to meeting a work deadline, taking care of the family or spring cleaning in the fall, cleaning just doesn’t seem to make the cut.

A house cleaning service Mississauga frees you up to do other important things. 

cleaning services mississauga 2

eh! Maids House Cleaning Service

You might fear what people may think once they see the cleaning truck outside your house but does it really matter?! Cleaning services can be affordable and the best part is your house is spotless. It is a win-win situation. Book a house cleaning service easily online at

The post 10 reasons you need a house cleaning service part 1 appeared first on Eh! Maids.


Thursday, July 2, 2020

The A to Z of House Cleaning

The a to z of house cleaning

One word, well asides vegetables, that we dreaded hearing as children are the words house cleaning. That word seemed to open up wells of frustration our childish mind didn’t think was possible. We recall being grateful for after school activities and sports that took up space during the weekend because it meant most of the work would be done before we got home. Here we are years later getting excited over a vacuum cleaner sale at Target.

Truth is that we grow up realizing just how satisfying and essential a clean house is. With that said, house cleaning is only satisfying if done right and to know how to properly clean our living space, one needs to know the basics.

True to our generous nature of sharing knowledge, we have created a collection of the basics of house cleaning. We are going to cover the what, why, how, and when of house cleaning. By understanding the fundamentals, your cleaning game will never be the same. 

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What is House Cleaning?

House Cleaning isn’t just ensuring that your home isn’t dirty. It involves a complete cleaning of an environment to ensure that spaces are well organized and free of germs.

House cleaning aims to create a comfortable haven for yourself. It isn’t random every other day cleaning that we sometimes indulge in. Proper house cleaning takes time, effort, and planning.

This is because it goes beyond visible areas in the house to the crooks and crannies that dust and dirt tend to hide in. 

With house cleaning it is best to handle it properly otherwise you would end up revisiting chores you felt you had crossed off your list.

house cleaning schedule

Keep a cleaning schedule

When it comes to proper house cleaning, we have noticed that to achieve that all-round clean feel you need to schedule your cleaning.

Most of the time we advise creating a board in which the chores to be done are listed and assigning tasks to all parties involved (that is if you are lucky enough to be blessed with unpaid workers aka your children, living with you). 

If you live alone or your kids are already out of the nest, it’s time to roll up your sleeves for the task at hand.

A chore board makes it easier to see what is done, what needs to be done, and what you might be forgetting all in line with what you consider a top priority.

Essentials of proper house cleaning

If you really want to bring out the dirt fighting superpower in you, you have to be prepped with the right tools. These are items that you must have in your house to make your cleaning go on seamlessly.

vacuum, duspan & broom

Vacuum – there is much to say about vacuums but one cannot deny that they are effective in cleaning up carpet dirt. Some newer models scrub and vacuum your carpet, giving you a 2 for 1 cleaning deal.

Dustpan and broom – as amazing as vacuums are, there are corners of the walls that they can’t get into. This is when you go old school and sweep out the bits in corners vacuums can’t reach

eh maids vacuum
eh maids cleaning spray

disinfectant, sponges & clothes

Disinfectant spray – cleaning without disinfectant is just you spreading germs around your house. Before space can be considered clean, germs need to be killed off.

Sponges and microfiber clothes – countertop, bathroom, and shelf dirt don’t stand a chance when you have these tools. All you need is one of these, your spray, a little soap, and elbow grease to leave your tops clean and shiny as ever

Mops, Scrub Brush & foaming agents

Swiffer/ Mop sticks – we included the Swiffer because it does the job plus comes with cleaning sheets that can be attached to the mop. It is a win-win. Either way, once the floor has been swept, going over it with a mop cleans up any dried stain may have escaped the cleaning process.

Scrub brush and cleaning foaming agent – we cannot stress this enough. Have you really deep cleaned a space if you haven’t scrubbed a surface yet?

Scrubbing gets rid of all those stains that have been embedded in a surface for long periods. Plus there is something so relaxing about seeing a previously grimy surface become clean and glint under the room light. With the right foaming agent, you won’t have to exert too much effort.

eh maids mop

Essentials of proper house cleaning

The essence of house cleaning is to provide a sanctuary that you can relax in and be comfortable all through but asides the result there are many more benefits to be gotten from a clean home. For example;

Great stress reliever: for some reason, cleaning the bathroom seems appealing to us when we are in a foul mood. It probably has to do with the fact that we get to take out all our frustration on items that won’t fight back and leave us with good results. Either way, we always tend to feel better after a deep cleaning round.

People can come over anytime: you have probably been put in a situation where you have to hurriedly tidy up when someone tells you they are coming over. Honestly, that sort of cleaning 9 out of 10 times is just you throwing things in closets and hoping no one notices. Spoiler alert, they always notice. If house cleaning is a part of you, your house will always be dirt free and you won’t have to feel embarrassed about your space.

The post The A to Z of House Cleaning appeared first on Eh! Maids.


Tuesday, June 30, 2020

6 Useful Tips To Organize Your Closet

6 Useful tips to organize your closet with ease

Are you among those people who start out with an organized closet only for everything to turn up in disarray when it’s time to get dressed? Check out our 6 Useful Tips To Organize Your Closet.

There is just something about a closet that makes it nearly impossible to find that one outfit you need. It is almost as if the closet gods do not get satisfied until most of your clothes are dropped in piles on your bedroom floor. We started our year out insisting on an organized life all-round and have been successful when it comes to every other thing but our closet. But we are taking the reins of our closet back. 

As with almost every other thing, commitment makes a lifetime of a difference. So armed with commitment and a desire for an organized closet, we put together useful tips to create that perfectly organized closet you have always wanted. These tips will have all your favorite closet pieces right within sight and reach. The idea is to maximize the most out of your closet space without breaking the bank.

#1 Category organization

The first and foremost useful tips to organize your closet we have is that you organize all items based on categories. It doesn’t matter if you have minimal clothes or clothes enough to fill your local Old Navy. Arranging your clothing items and accessories by category makes it more accessible. 

On days when you are looking for a particular piece of clothing, all you have to do is go to that one section in your closet rather than rifling through all items. To maximize space; especially those with small closet spaces; we advise that you invest in the drop-down hangers so that more clothes can fit into a small space.

Also in line keeping with keeping track of clothes or accessories, we suggest sticker tags for each section for easier access.

house cleaning closet

#2 Donate or pass it on

One reason why our closets tend to be disorganized and overstuffed is that most times, our impulsive buy culture results in a purchasing spree that leaves us with more clothes than we can wear.

The new clothes and accessories only come into play when there is a function we consider worthy of use, because really, who wants to wear an amazing outfit that no one will see or appreciate.

If this sounds like you, this useful tips to organize your closet should be your holy grail. Any item that has not been worn in the last year should be given out or taken to your local Goodwill. If you haven’t worn them in a year, chances of you wearing them anytime soon are moot.

By giving out clothes, you lighten up your closet and are able to organize items you do wear.

#3 If it isn’t fashion, toss it

Don’t be alarmed, we don’t literally mean toss it. What we are simply saying is that we often find out that our closets have paperwork, files, old technology piled up at the bottom of our space and this leads to the disorganized nature of things. 

If the item isn’t clothing, shoes, or accessories do yourself a favor and store it somewhere else. Most of these items aren’t meant to be in your closet anyways and to be realistic, you need that space more than those items do.

closet organizing
house cleaning service mississauga

#4 Alternate

When you go through your closet looking for a particular top, you come across several useless items before finding that one you really want.

For instance, when looking for our favorite swimsuit one day, we came across a plethora of winter scarves and jackets just in a bid to find one item. Of what use are winter clothes in the summer? 

Our tip to you is to alternate your clothing with the seasons. Chances are you don’t need a puffy winter coat when your planning a spring break trip or summer vacation.

The idea is to store winter items elsewhere in the spring/summer and spring/summer items in the winter. This way, items you really need would be within reach.

#5 Nothing should be on the floor

Move off all items that have somehow found their way to the floor of your closet.

For shoes; most closets come with a top shelf and if yours does not we suggest that you get someone who is quite handy or DIY and install a wide slab of wood at the top of your closet for your shoes. 

cleaning service mississauga closet cleaning

#6 Tips To Organize Your Closet

Being able to see shoes in your closet makes that you’d wear the ones you haven’t in a while, more. 

When you are looking for a particular clothing piece, it is usually when you are in a hurry so in going through the clothes, some might fall off the hangers.

To remedy this, no-slip hangers are your best friends. No-slip hangers prevent your clothes from reaching the floor and keep your closet organized. Plus they are affordable.

6 Useful Tips To Organize Your Closet With Ease

These are some very useful everyday tips to flip over the wheels of control and put you in charge of your closet. And just in case you aren’t aware, hangers are lifesavers! Invest in as many hangers as you can, preferably color-coordinated to go in line with the categories in your closet.

Life is much easier when you can find the exact item you require with little to no stress. Join the group of us who have organized closets and know that with a commitment to these tips, you are well on your way.

The post 6 Useful Tips To Organize Your Closet appeared first on Eh! Maids.
